December 2022: Congratulations to Mr. David Svetlizky for being awarded a Ph.D.!
July 2022: Congratulations to Noam for beginning his tenure as Dean of Engineering!
July 2022: Congratulations to Mr. Yarden Melamed on successful completion of his MSc degree!
March 2022: Congratulations to Noam for being conferred the title of Honorary Professor (Professor Honoris Causa) by Transilvania University of Braşov, Romania.
November 2021: Congratulations to Noam for being elected as the winner of The Israel Vacuum Society (IVS) 2021 Excellence Award for Research.
October 2021: Congratulations to Noam for being listed among the top 0.31% scientists in the world over career period and among the top 0.11% in the single year 2020 in the sub-field Materials (based on Scopus, excluding all co-authors’ self-citations), based on Stanford University’s list of Top 2% Scientists of the World.
October 2021: Congratulations to Lee Pilater and Anabel Atash for completing their BSc project duties with flying colors.
June 2021: Congratulations to Noam for being elected as the winner of the 2021 Electrodeposition Division Research Award, The Electrochemical Society (ECS).
8 April 2021: Congratulations to Debby Margoy, Dr. Ronen Verker, Prof. Eliaz and the rest of the team at the Space Environment Department of Soreq NRC for the successful, full deployment in Space, on board of TAU-SAT1, Tel-Aviv University’s nanosatellite, of their novel shape memory polymer actuator (SMPA). This SMPA was developed in the framework of the MSc research of Debby under the joint supervision of Ronen and Noam. The technology was patented (PCT/IB2019/061422, filed 29/12/2019) and published in a journal article.
January 2021: Congratulations to Ms. Camilla Sammartino and Mr. Omer Sisso on successful completion of their MSc degrees!
January 2021: Congratulations to Ms. Yael Abady for the successful defense of her BSc final project.
August 2020: Congratulations to Noam for his election to the National Academy of Inventors (NAI), USA, as a Senior Member. Noam is the first researcher based outside the USA to attain this status.
November 2019: Congratulations to Mr. Jonathan Tenenbaum for receiving a special appreciation certificate for the poster presentation of his final engineering project!
January 2019: Congratulations to Noam and to Prof. Eliezer Gileadi on the occasion of exposure of their new book Physical Electrochemistry: Fundamentals, Techniques, and Applications. organized by The Association of Engineers, Architects and Graduates in Technological Sciences in Israel.
June 2018: Congratulations to Mr. William Kopelovich for being on a team that won the Israel Defense Prize.
April 2018: Congratulations to our lab on the occasion of exhibiting our novel electrochemically deposited calcium phosphate coatings for dental implants in Moscow, Russia.
April 2018: Congratulations to Mr. David Eliyahu for successfully defending his MSc thesis!.
May 2017: Congratulations to Ms. Noah Metoki for being awarded a Ph.D.!
April 2017: Congratulations to Noam for the inauguration of the MARVAD initiative by the Israel Ministry of Defense, the new Center for Additive Manufacturing by Directed Energy Deposition (DED). Noam is the founder of this center and will serve as its first Director
April 2017: Congratulations to Sigalit Ifergane for winning the 2nd Poster Prize in the annual Electron Backscatter Diffraction meeting of the Royal Microscopical Society, held at the University of Oxford, UK.
March 2017: Congratulations to Noam for his appointment by the President of The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities as a member of the followup committee of the “State of Science in Israel” (following the 2nd report of the Academy from 2016).
March 2017: Congratulations to Ms. Noah Metoki for winning one of the five TAU Presidential postdoctoral scholarships. Noah will be joining the group of Prof. Derk Joester at Northwestern University.
January 2017: Congratulations to Noam for his appointment by Israel's Minister of Science, Technology, and Space as a member of the Governing Board of The German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development (GIF).
January 2017: Congratulations to Ms. Noah Metoki for attending the 5th Global Young Scientists Summit@one-north (GYSS) in Singapore. The speakers in this summit are Nobel Laureates, Turing Award winners, Millennium Technology Awardees, and Fields Medallists. Noah is one of five bright students and young investigators at TAU that were selected by the hosts to participate.
September 2016: Congratulations to Noam for Chairing with Prof. David N. Seidman. The Second Northwestern University (NU) - Tel Aviv University joint workshop
June 2016: Congratulations to Sigalit Ifergane for winning the Best Poster Prize in Materials Science in ISM 2016 - The Golden Jubilee Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Microscopy.
November 2015: Congratulations to Ofer Levi for being awarded a Ph.D.!
October 2015: Congratulations to Ms. Noah Metoki for winning the Chaim Yarnitzky award for the best student oral presentation at Israelectrochemistry 2015.
July 2015: Congratulations to Ms. Noah Metoki for travelling to Northwestern University (Evanston, IL) as a BSF Prof. R. Rahamimoff scholar.
May 2015: Congratulations to Noam for his election to the Israel Young Academy.
February 2015: Congratulations to Noam for Chairing with Prof. David N. Seidman The First Northwestern University (NU) - Tel Aviv University joint workshop.
January 2015: Congratulations to Dr. Brian Rosen for his new faculty position in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
November 2014: Congratulations to Dr. Wangping Wu for his new faculty position in the School of Mechanical Engineering, Changzhou University, Jiangsu Province, China.
March 2014: Congratulations to Noam for being awarded the Technical Achievement Award of NACE International. He received the award during CORROSION 2014 held in San Antonio, TX. Noam is the first Israeli to receive this award.
2014: Congratulations to Dr. T.M. Sridhar for his new faculty position in the Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Madras, Chennai, India.
August 2013: Congratulations to Noam for his nomination as the Founding Chair of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering at Tel Aviv University.
November 2012: Congratulations to Mrs. Alla Duhin for winning a 2012/3 Israel Ministry of Science and Technology scholarship for the promotion of excellent female graduate students in science.
October 2012: Congratulatios to Ofer Levi, a Ph.D. student in our group, for winning the prestigious Chief of Staff Medal of Appreciation (Israeli military decoration), among others for his work on Ferrography and Bio-Ferrography.
June 2012: Congratulations to Mrs. Adi Naor-Pomerantz for receiving her Ph.D. certificate in the annual ceremony!
May 2012: Congratulations to Noam for being nominated as an Eshbach Scholar by the McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science at Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
March 2012: Congratulations to Noam for being nominated as Fellow of NACE International. He received the award during CORROSION 2012 held in Salt Lake City, UT, for "outstanding achievements in corrosion research and education, with key contributions in industry and defense organizations in electrodeposition of special materials, biomaterials corrosion, and failure analysis". Noam is the first Israeli to receive this award.
April 2011: Congratulations to Adi Naor-Pomerantz, a PhD student (direct track) of Noam Eliaz and Eliezer Gileadi, for winning the David and Paulina Trotzki scholarship for excellent graduate students.
March 2011: Noam chaired the Environmentally Assisted Cracking Symposium at CORROSION 2011 held in Houston, TX, USA.
February 2011: Congratulations to Ronen Verker for being awarded a PhD!
September 2010: Congratulations to Adi Naor-Pomerantz, a PhD student (direct track) of Noam Eliaz and Eliezer Gileadi, for winning the third best poster presentation award at EMNT 2010 – The 8th Int. Symp. on Electrochemical Micro & Nanosystem Technologies, held in Cannes Mandelieu, France.
June 2010: Noam co-chairs the Int. Conf. & Course on Orthopaedic Surgery, Biomechanics and Clinical Applications, held in West London, UK.
June 2010: Noam is nominated as member of the Academic Council of The Jerusalem College of Engineering.
May 2010: Two projects to which Noam contributed significantly were selected as having the second and third highest impact on the Israel Air Force among all engineering projects carried out in the materials area during 60 years. These projects are the use of ferrography in condition monitoring and failure analysis of F-16 engines, respectively.
March 2010: Congratulations to Noam for receiving the prestigious Herbert H. Uhlig Award by NACE International at CORROSION 2010, San Antonio, TX, USA. This award is granted in recognition of outstanding effectiveness in postsecondary corrosion education. Noam is the first Israeli to receive this (or any other NACE International) award.
December 2009: Noam chairs The 14th Israel Materials Engineering Conference – IMEC-14 (more than 650 attendees from 13 countries).
May 2008: Congratulations to William Kopelovich for being on a team that won the Israel Defense Prize.
April 2008: Noam is nominated as chairman of the Central Committee 300 for Chemistry Standards at The Standards Institution of Israel.
May 2007: Congratulations to Dr. Dror Lakstein for completing his Basic Sciences research in medicine in our lab.
April 2007: Congratulations to Ronen Verker for representing Israel (awarded) at the 2007 SAMPE Europe Int. Student Conf. held in Paris, France.
November 2005: The talk of T.M. Sridhar, Noam Eliaz and Eliezer Gileadi, entitled "Characterization of initial stages of electrodeposited Ni-W alloys," wins the best oral presentation award at CORCON 2005 Intrenational Conference on Corrosion, held in Chennai, India.
December 2004: Noam is nominated as an Editor-in-Chief (jointly with Ron Latanision) of Corrosion Reviews.
December 2003: Congratulations to Dr. Thanjavur-Madhavakumar Sridhar for completing his postdoctoral work and returning to India.
May 2003: Noam receives with other co-authors the T.P. Hoar Award of The Institute of Corrosion and Pergamon for the best paper published in the journal Corrosion Science during 2001 (S.-B. Hong, N. Eliaz, E.M. Sachs, S.M. Allen and R.M. Latanision, "Corrosion behavior of advanced Ti-based alloys made by three-dimensional printing (3DP™) for biomedical applications").
2002: Congratulations to Noam for winning one of The 2002 Dan David Scholarships for Young Researchers.