
Ongoing projects:
Additive manufacturing (AM): electrochemical printing, directed energy deposition (DED), and powder bed fusion (PBF).
Corrosion and mechanical behavior of as well as hydrogen interaction with additive manufactured (3D-printed) alloys.
Materials durability in space applications.
Electrochemical deposition of functional metals, alloys and metallic glasses.
Development of novel electrochemically-deposited calcium phosphate coatings for dental and orthopedic implants. Coatings prepared in our lab have already demonstrated better performance than commercial plasma-sprayed coatings and are currently on the way to market.
Check the Smart Bioactive Trabecular Coating (SBTC) sold by SGS Dental ( -
The use of Bio-Ferrography for diagnosing osteoarthritis or cancer, determining the efficacy of drug treatments, and monitoring the wear of artificial joints. Our lab is the leader in this area worldwide.
Applications are welcome from prospective candidates for graduate studies and post-doctorate positions.
Companies are invited to undertake collaborative research projects in the aforementioned (and related) areas and consultancy services.